Before upgrading take a backup of your data


    Create full backup:

    pgbackrest --stanza=<stanza_name> --type=full backup

    Install the postgres version you want to upgrade to, in this case, I am upgrading from 15 to 16, the current PGDATA is /db/15 and the new PGDATA will be /db/16.

    apt install postgresql-16


    Initialize the new postgres data directory:

    /usr/lib/postgresql/16/bin/pg_ctl initdb -D /db/16


    Update in both /db/15/pg_hba.conf and /db/16/pg_hba.conf to use trust instead of scram-sha-256 and comment al the host entries to temporally restrict remote connections:

    local   all    all    trust
    # host    all    all    scram-sha-256

    upgrade check 

    Check if the upgrade is possible:

    /usr/lib/postgresql/16/bin/pg_upgrade \
        --old-datadir=/db/15 \
        --new-datadir=/db/16 \
        --old-bindir=/usr/lib/postgresql/15/bin \
        --new-bindir=/usr/lib/postgresql/16/bin \
        --link --check

    You need to run this command as the postgres user

    The output can be something like:

    Performing Consistency Checks on Old Live Server
    Checking cluster versions                                     ok
    Checking database user is the install user                    ok
    Checking database connection settings                         ok
    Checking for prepared transactions                            ok
    Checking for system-defined composite types in user tables    ok
    Checking for reg* data types in user tables                   ok
    Checking for contrib/isn with bigint-passing mismatch         ok
    Checking for incompatible "aclitem" data type in user tables  ok
    Checking for presence of required libraries                   fatal
    Your installation references loadable libraries that are missing from the
    new installation.  You can add these libraries to the new installation,
    or remove the functions using them from the old installation.  A list of
    problem libraries is in the file:
    Failure, exiting

    In this case, the upgrade is not possible because of missing libraries, you can check the loadable_libraries.txt file to see which libraries are missing, in this case the postgis-3 library is missing:

    could not load library "$libdir/postgis-3": ERROR:  could not access file "$libdir/postgis-3": No such file or directory
    In database: test_dev1
    In database: restore_test_dev1

    It can happen that you end in a loop because when installing the new libraries it will remove the old extensions in the ../15/lib, for this you can copy the /usr/lib/postgresql/15/lib to /usr/lib/postgresql/15/lib.old:

    cp -r /usr/lib/postgresql/15/lib /usr/lib/postgresql/15/lib.old

    Do now the upgrade of the libraries for the new version, in this case, the postgis-3 library and when finished move back the lib.old to lib:

    mv /usr/lib/postgresql/15/lib.old /usr/lib/postgresql/15/lib

    This is because depending on the OS the libraries will remove the old extensions when installing the new ones, this can cause the pg_upgrade to fail.

    After you have installed the new libraries you can run the pg_upgrade command again:

    in RH based systems the libraries are in /usr/pgsql-15/lib and /usr/pgsql-16/lib respectively, and may need to run: dnf upgrade --allowerasing *.rpm and then dnf install *.rpm in the directory containing the new libraries.

    After fixing the missing libraries you can run the pg_upgrade command again and output should be like:

    Performing Consistency Checks on Old Live Server
    Checking cluster versions                                     ok
    Checking database user is the install user                    ok
    Checking database connection settings                         ok
    Checking for prepared transactions                            ok
    Checking for system-defined composite types in user tables    ok
    Checking for reg* data types in user tables                   ok
    Checking for contrib/isn with bigint-passing mismatch         ok
    Checking for incompatible "aclitem" data type in user tables  ok
    Checking for presence of required libraries                   ok
    Checking database user is the install user                    ok
    Checking for prepared transactions                            ok
    Checking for new cluster tablespace directories               ok
    *Clusters are compatible*


    Run the upgrade:

    /usr/lib/postgresql/16/bin/pg_upgrade \
        --old-datadir=/db/15 \
        --new-datadir=/db/16 \
        --old-bindir=/usr/lib/postgresql/15/bin \
        --new-bindir=/usr/lib/postgresql/16/bin \
        --old-options="-c config_file=/db/15/postgresql.conf" \
        --new-options="-c config_file=/db/16/postgresql.conf"\

    you need to stop the old postgres server before running this command systemctl stop postgresql-15

    The output should be like:

    Performing Consistency Checks
    Checking cluster versions                                     ok
    Checking database user is the install user                    ok
    Checking database connection settings                         ok
    Checking for prepared transactions                            ok
    Checking for system-defined composite types in user tables    ok
    Checking for reg* data types in user tables                   ok
    Checking for contrib/isn with bigint-passing mismatch         ok
    Checking for incompatible "aclitem" data type in user tables  ok
    Creating dump of global objects                               ok
    Creating dump of database schemas
    Checking for presence of required libraries                   ok
    Checking database user is the install user                    ok
    Checking for prepared transactions                            ok
    Checking for new cluster tablespace directories               ok
    If pg_upgrade fails after this point, you must re-initdb the
    new cluster before continuing.
    Performing Upgrade
    Setting locale and encoding for new cluster                   ok
    Analyzing all rows in the new cluster                         ok
    Freezing all rows in the new cluster                          ok
    Deleting files from new pg_xact                               ok
    Copying old pg_xact to new server                             ok
    Setting oldest XID for new cluster                            ok
    Setting next transaction ID and epoch for new cluster         ok
    Deleting files from new pg_multixact/offsets                  ok
    Copying old pg_multixact/offsets to new server                ok
    Deleting files from new pg_multixact/members                  ok
    Copying old pg_multixact/members to new server                ok
    Setting next multixact ID and offset for new cluster          ok
    Resetting WAL archives                                        ok
    Setting frozenxid and minmxid counters in new cluster         ok
    Restoring global objects in the new cluster                   ok
    Restoring database schemas in the new cluster
    Adding ".old" suffix to old global/pg_control                 ok
    If you want to start the old cluster, you will need to remove
    the ".old" suffix from /db/15/global/pg_control.old.
    Because "link" mode was used, the old cluster cannot be safely
    started once the new cluster has been started.
    Linking user relation files
    Setting next OID for new cluster                              ok
    Sync data directory to disk                                   ok
    Creating script to delete old cluster                         ok
    Checking for extension updates                                notice
    Your installation contains extensions that should be updated
    with the ALTER EXTENSION command.  The file
    when executed by psql by the database superuser will update
    these extensions.
    Upgrade Complete
    Optimizer statistics are not transferred by pg_upgrade.
    Once you start the new server, consider running:
        /usr/lib/postgresql/16/bin/vacuumdb --all --analyze-in-stages
    Running this script will delete the old cluster's data files:
    timed out waiting for input: auto-logout

    disable old 

    Disable the old postgres version:

    systemctl disable postgresql-15.service

    verify PGDATA 

    Verify the new PGDATA is correct, check with:

    systemctl cat postgresql-16.service

    Ensure the Environment variable is set to the new PGDATA:


    start new 

    Start the new postgres version:

    systemctl start postgresql-16.service

    Run the vacuumdb command to update the optimizer statistics:

    /usr/lib/postgresql/16/bin/vacuumdb --all --analyze-in-stages